
Ten Things: Downtowns

This is the first in a series of “ten things you can do without a plan!”  Creating a…

Not Just for the Lazy

I always joke that I only run if being chased which answers the question of whether I will…

Old Cook County Hospital Charrette Presentations

Muse helped to lead one of five teams of civic leaders in Chicago who presented their ideas for…

How to Get There from Here

Doug Farr, of Farr Associates, authored a provocative and timely Zoning Practice article that called for “precision planning”…

Evolving the Comprehensive Plan

Too often a community’s comprehensive plan is updated out of obligation without much thought into how it might…

Old Cook County Hospital Charrette

Muse is pleased to help lead one of five teams participating in the Cook County charrette to create…

What makes a great place?

I’m always inspired when the American Planning Association announces its annual list of Great Places in America.  It…

Divvy Is the Way to Go

Let’s see…I’m at Division and Damen and I need to get to the Loop.  That will take at…

Sitting is the new smoking?

Maybe you’ve heard, sitting is the new smoking.  Many of us (when we think about it) spend far…